Receive your personal mantra for meditation and experience profound inner peace

Benefits Of Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga

Enhance Peace Of Mind

Improve health

Boost mental clarity

Unlock intuitive skills

Program Format

Expert Training with Lifetime Support Ensures You an Effective Meditation Experience.

Personalized Instruction

Get personal instruction

from a certified teacher.

Lifetime Support

Get expert input on your questions about

meditation ... for the rest of your life!

Group Sessions

Personal Instruction is followed by small-group practice and training.

Keep Learning

Local and online refresher sessions help you build a solid practice.

Science says

A skill for life

With Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga, you can meditate on your own any time, anywhere, and for life.

How does it work?

Meditation is the art of relaxation, the art of doing nothing, but for a lot of people, doing nothing is not easy. There are many techniques for meditation but in Sahaj Samadhi, we use charged subtle sounds (mantras) to reach a state of deep rest. You will be given your personal mantra in the program and taught how to use it for meditation. The mantra becomes the vehicle to take you to the deepest levels of consciousness. As you go deeper within yourself, bliss, clarity, calmness, intuition, and creativity get uncovered in your being and ultimately you realize who you are.

What does the course include?

  • Meditation technique based on your personal mantra

  • Key principles of meditation

  • Identifying what factors create disturbance in the mind and remedies

  • How different foods affect your mind and thoughts

Meet the founder & inspiration

“My vision and mission is to see a smile on every individual’s face,” says Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar, global humanitarian and spiritual leader.

Gurudev has spearheaded an unprecedented worldwide movement for a stress-free, violence-free society. It all began in 1982 when he cognized the Sudarshan Kriya™ after a ten-day silence period. The technique remains a centerpiece of all programs of the Art of Living.

Through a myriad of programs, teachings, and social service projects across 156 countries, Gurudev has empowered and transformed the lives of millions. Recognized globally as an impactful mediator, Gurudev has played a pivotal role in restoring peace in several conflict zones. His body of work is a testimony to his vision of a stress-free and violence-free society.

Frequently Asked Questions

Do I need to be a practitioner of meditation to learn Sahaj Samadhi?

Not at all. Even if you have never meditated before, you can learn this technique and get the benefits.

How is Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga different from guided meditations?

Guided meditations help you meditate with spoken instructions and music. They help you relax and unwind by providing a soothing and peaceful ambience. On the other hand, Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga is a mantra-based meditation technique. The mantra is a charged, subtle sound that takes you to deeper states of consciousness. Guided meditations require, well, guidance, but once you learn Sahaj Samadhi, you can meditate on your own with this technique. It just needs 20 minutes of your time, and a quiet corner where you can sit comfortably. With regular practice, you will feel more at peace and note the improvements in your physical health and mental acumen as well as your increased awareness and sharpened intuitive skills.

I am not able to meditate effectively. I go to sleep whenever I meditate.

It’s perfectly alright to sleep as you begin to meditate. It just indicates your system needs more rest. Just don’t stop meditating! As you continue, you will find that 20 minutes of Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga is as refreshing as several hours of sleep!

Are there any special considerations for Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga?

It is preferable to meditate on a relatively empty stomach. Before meals or 90 minutes after eating is a good time to do Sahaj Samadhi Dhyana Yoga. Aside from that, all you need is a comfortable place to sit for 20 minutes.

What is Meditation?

Meditation is the delicate art of doing nothing and letting go of all the efforts to relax into your true nature which is love, joy, and peace. Meditation is that which gives you deep rest.

The benefits of meditation are manifold. It is an essential practice for mental hygeine. A caim mind, good concentration, clarity of thoughts and feelings, improvement in communication, blossoming of skills and talents, an unshakeable inner strength, healing, the ability to connect to an inner source of energy, relaxation, rejuvenation, and good luck are all-natural results of meditating regularly.

Today daily meditation practice is not a luxury but a necessity. To be unconditionally happy and to have peace of mind, we need to tap into the power of meditation.

Meditation for beginners:

Practicing meditation is as easy as inhaling and exhaling. It does not ask you to go up in the mountains and shut yourself away. It’s a living, dynamic practice that easily incorporates into your daily life. One can choose any type of meditation technique and get to the present moment easily.


There is Sanskrit proverb it says

"Even the dullest person does not move without getting some benefits."

And there are hundreds of benefits from meditation.

Our needs are different our wishes are different our wants are different.

But All of us can get what we want when we go deep in meditation .

Meditation not only brings peace to ourself but it also brings positivity in our environment and positivity is absolutely essential for the progress of mankind on this planet.

To save this planet we need to create positivity and meditation will bring us that mindset which would care for the planet, which would share what one has with other fellow human beings and which would conserve the energy on this planet.

So let us all keep meditating time and again we need to do this again and again and again, for the benefit of mankind.

Let's keep doing meditation.

It has multiple benefits health benefit is a tiny part of it

It benefits mental health

physical health

gives intuitive abilities

It sharpens our intellect

It kindles entepreneurship

It helps us to be more compassionate

It creates better understanding and more cooperation.

and above all that spiritual elevation happens.

So come and do something which is like a wish granting tree of human life . So lets all keep doing it time and again

-Gurudev Sri Sri Ravishankar

'Happiness is right here and now and the way to find it is through Meditation.'

'Happiness is right here and now and the way to find it is through Meditation.'

Balancing the States of Mind